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Rheinfall in Neuhausen near Schaffhausen

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The Rheinfall is one of the world famous natural features in Switzerland. It is located in the small town of Neuhausen, near Schaffhausen, the capital of the canton with the same name.

Location of Schaffhausen

Key values of the Rheinfall:

Some pictures and two short movies of the Rheinfall (click on the images for an enlargement, rsp. to play the movie):

Overlooking the Rheinfall from the southern shore (canton Zuerich) Overlooking the Rheinfall from the southern shore (canton Zuerich)
The Rheinfall seen from the northern shore (canton Schaffhausen) The Rheinfall seen from the northern shore (canton Schaffhausen)
Overlooking the Rheinfall form the southern shore (above) and the northern shore (below)
Outlook "Kaenzeli" at the southern shore of the Rheinfall The roaring water masses of the Rheinfall
Popular outlook "Känzeli" where visitors can get very close to the roaring water masses
Massive but yet fragile rocks in the center of the Rheinfall The rocks in the center of the Rheinfall
People gathered on the rock in the center of the Rheinfall There is not much room ...
Massive but yet fragile rocks in the center of the Rheinfall with spectacular outlook accessible by boat
Boat trip below the rainbow on the Rheinfall A boat in the spray of the Rheinfall
The basin below the Rheinfall is passable by boat - a breathtaking trip that gets you soaking wet guaranteed
Railway bridge with a passage for pedestrians above the Rheinfall Posted sign in the middle of the Rheinfall
Railway bridge with a passage for pedestrians above the Rheinfall (left); posted sign in the middle of the Rheinfall (right)
Rheinfall seen from the railway bridge Rheinfall seen from the railway bridge
Rheinfall seen from the railway bridge
Castle "Laufen" seen from the opposite shore Castle "Laufen" seen from the opposite shore
Castle "Laufen" Epigraph on the tower of castle "Laufen"
Castle "Laufen" overlooking the Rheinfall - a historic site for many centuries
Castle "Woerth" at the basin below the Rheinfall Castle "Woerth" - today a nice restaurant
Castle "Wörth" at the basin below the Rheinfall
Movie of the Rheinfall taken from the southern shore Movie of the Rheinfall taken from the southern shore
Two short movies of the Rheinfall, taken form the platform near castle "Laufen" (left) and the the outlook "Känzeli" (right)
(including sound - turn on your loudspeakers !)

See also for more information.

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